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Cryptography Methods

The Cryptography type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddSalt Adds salt to a plaintext string to help prevent certain kinds of attacks against symmetric ciphers.
Public methodStatic memberDecrypt(String, String) Decrypts a ciphertext using the default symmetric algorithm but no salt.
Public methodStatic memberDecrypt(String, String, Boolean) Decrypts a ciphertext using the default symmetric algorithm.
Public methodStatic memberDecrypt(String, String, SymmetricAlgorithm) Decrypts a ciphertext using a specific symmetric algorithm.
Public methodStatic memberDecrypt(String, String, String) Decrypts a ciphertext using a specific symmetric algorithm.
Public methodStatic memberEncrypt(String, String) Encrypts a string using the default symmetrical encryption but without salt.
Public methodStatic memberEncrypt(String, String, Boolean) Encrypts a string using the default symmetrical encryption.
Public methodStatic memberEncrypt(String, String, SymmetricAlgorithm) Encrypts a string using a specified symmetrical encryption algorithm.
Public methodStatic memberEncrypt(String, String, String) Encrypts a string using a specified symmetrical encryption algorithm.
Public methodStatic memberGetHash(String) Creates a hash of a string.
Public methodStatic memberGetHash(String, HashAlgorithm) Creates a hash of a string using a specified hashing algorithm.
Public methodStatic memberGetRandomKey Creates a random key of random length.
Public methodStatic memberGetRandomPassword Creates a random password of a specified length. The password will be usable with Microsoft Windows security.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveSalt Removes salt from a decrypted string.
See Also