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InnerDrive.Core Namespace

Root of the Inner Drive Extensible Architecture™—the Idea™. Includes the principal classes used throughout the IDEA™ and Inner Drive Technology applications.
Public classCryptography Provides lightweight cryptographic services for Inner Drive Technology applications.
Public classDateTimeExtensions Extends the DateTime class to provide support for related operations.
Public classDateTimeOffsetExtensions Extends the DateTimeOffset class.
Public classIdtException Class to bridge exception handling and exception reporting in the IDEA™ framework.
Public classResourceNotFoundException Thrown when an expected runtime resource, like a display string, is not found.
Public classResources Provides resources for the running assembly.
Public classRsaCryptographyHelper Methods to assist with RSA cryptography operations
Public classTypeInfo Contains methods for debugging and diagnostics.
Public classUnitTestFixture Base class for all Inner Drive unit test classes.
Public classVersionInfo Returns formatted strings containing information about the running application.
Public classWrappedException Wrapper for exceptions to allow sinks to use IdtException features.
Public classXmlHelp Provides methods to facilitate creating and consuming XML documents.
Public structureDateRange Represents a range of time with a defined beginning and ending.
Public structureRangeT Creates a minimal IRangeT implementation for any class that implements IComparableT
Public interfaceIRangeT Represents a range of values that may or may not include the bounds of the range.
Public interfaceISignData Defines the methods used to sign data and to verify the signature
Public interfaceIWrappedObject Indicates that the implementing class wraps some other Object for publication.
Public enumerationCode exampleOrdinalWeekday Represents the ordinal occurrence of a given weekday in a month.
Public enumerationCode exampleVersionFormats Chooses which items GetVersionString(VersionFormats) should display.