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ForceOverArea Properties

The ForceOverArea type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAppliesTo Gets the Type of measurement that this Unit applies to.
(Inherited from Unit)
Public propertyBaseFormat Gets the default format for displaying quantities of the unit.
(Inherited from Unit)
Public propertyConversions Provides the list of conversion factors for this Unit to the ConversionCache.
(Inherited from Unit)
Public propertyDimensions Gets the number of dimensions this Unit represents.
(Inherited from Unit)
Public propertyFirstUnit Gets the first Unit of the CompoundUnit.
(Inherited from CompoundUnit)
Public propertyFirstUnitAppliesTo Gets the Type of Unit that is a legal value for FirstUnit.
(Inherited from CompoundUnit)
Public propertyName Gets the name of the Unit.
(Inherited from Unit)
Public propertyNamePlural Gets the name of the Unit when it represents any quantity other than 1.
(Inherited from Unit)
Public propertySecondUnit Gets the second Unit of the CompoundUnit.
(Inherited from CompoundUnit)
Public propertySecondUnitAppliesTo Gets the Type of Unit that is a legal value for SecondUnit.
(Inherited from CompoundUnit)
Public propertySymbol Gets the symbol or abbreviation of the Unit.
(Inherited from Unit)
See Also