public class GBPound : Currency
GBPound | Initializes a new instance of the GBPound class |
Abbreviation |
Gets the three-letter abbreviation of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyAbbreviation) |
Authority |
Gets the name of the country or other authority that issues the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyAuthority) |
AuthorityAdjective |
Gets the adjective form of the country or other authority that issues
the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyAuthorityAdjective) |
ConversionList |
Gets a list of the ICurrency implementations for which
conversion is supported.
(Inherited from Currency) |
DefaultCulture |
Gets the default culture information for the currency.
(Inherited from Currency) |
DefaultCultureCode |
Returns the default culture code for the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyDefaultCultureCode) |
DefaultFormat |
Gets the default number format provider for the currency.
(Inherited from Currency) |
FractionalName |
Returns the name of a singular decimal fraction of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyFractionalName) |
FractionalNamePlural |
Returns the name of a plural decimal fraction of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyFractionalNamePlural) |
FractionalSymbol |
Returns the symbol for decimal fractions of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyFractionalSymbol) |
FractionsPerUnit |
Returns the number of fractional units per full unit of the currency.
(Inherited from Currency) |
MantissaSize |
Returns the number of digits right of the decimal point in expressions
of the currency value that include the smallest fractional unit.
(Inherited from Currency) |
Name |
Returns the singular name of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyName) |
NamePlural |
Returns the plural name of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyNamePlural) |
Symbol |
Returns the symbol for the currency.
(Overrides CurrencySymbol) |
TypeName |
Gets the FullName to assist serialization
(Inherited from Currency) |
ConvertFrom |
Converts a Money value from its currency into a Money value
denominated in this implementation of ICurrency.
(Inherited from Currency) |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
FromUSDollar |
Returns a Money object denominated in U.S. dollars equal in value and converted from to the
Money object presented.
(Inherited from Currency) |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
SetConversion |
Adds a conversion factor to use when converting from the current currency to the
current currency.
(Inherited from Currency) |
ToString | There are two overloads.
Overloaded. Returns the issuing authority name in adjective form, and the full plural name
of the currency.
(Inherited from Currency) |
ToString(Boolean) |
Overloaded. Returns the issuing authority name in adjective form, and the full singular
or plural name of the currency.
(Inherited from Currency) |
ToUSDollar |
Returns a Money object denominated in U.S. dollars, converted from and equal to the
decimal value denominated in the current instance.
(Inherited from Currency) |