USDollar Class

Represents the United States dollar currency.


Namespace: InnerDrive.Financial
Assembly: InnerDrive.Financial (in InnerDrive.Financial.dll) Version: 5.2.9017.0
public class USDollar : Currency
Object    Currency    USDollar


The U.S. Dollar is the default currency for Money.


USDollarInitializes a new instance of the USDollar class


Abbreviation Gets the three-letter abbreviation of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyAbbreviation)
Authority Gets the name of the country or other authority that issues the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyAuthority)
AuthorityAdjective Gets the adjective form of the country or other authority that issues the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyAuthorityAdjective)
ConversionList Gets a list of the ICurrency implementations for which conversion is supported.
(Inherited from Currency)
DefaultCulture Gets the default culture information for the currency.
(Inherited from Currency)
DefaultCultureCode Returns the default culture code for the currency.
(Inherited from Currency)
DefaultFormat Gets the default number format provider for the currency.
(Inherited from Currency)
FractionalName Returns the name of a singular decimal fraction of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyFractionalName)
FractionalNamePlural Returns the name of a plural decimal fraction of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyFractionalNamePlural)
FractionalSymbol Returns the symbol for decimal fractions of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyFractionalSymbol)
FractionsPerUnit Returns the number of fractional units per full unit of the currency.
(Inherited from Currency)
MantissaSize Returns the number of digits right of the decimal point in expressions of the currency value that include the smallest fractional unit.
(Inherited from Currency)
Name Returns the singular name of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyName)
NamePlural Returns the plural name of the currency.
(Overrides CurrencyNamePlural)
Symbol Returns the symbol for the currency.
(Overrides CurrencySymbol)
TypeName Gets the FullName to assist serialization
(Inherited from Currency)


ConvertFrom Converts a Money value from its currency into a Money value denominated in this implementation of ICurrency.
(Inherited from Currency)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
FromUSDollar Returns a Money object denominated in U.S. dollars equal in value and converted from to the Money object presented.
(Inherited from Currency)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
SetConversion Adds a conversion factor to use when converting from the current currency to the current currency.
(Inherited from Currency)
ToStringThere are two overloads. Overloaded. Returns the issuing authority name in adjective form, and the full plural name of the currency.
(Inherited from Currency)
ToString(Boolean) Overloaded. Returns the issuing authority name in adjective form, and the full singular or plural name of the currency.
(Inherited from Currency)
ToUSDollar Returns a Money object denominated in U.S. dollars, converted from and equal to the decimal value denominated in the current instance.
(Inherited from Currency)

See Also