XmlHelp Class

Provides methods to facilitate creating and consuming XML documents.


Namespace: InnerDrive.Core
Assembly: InnerDrive.Core (in InnerDrive.Core.dll) Version: 5.2.9017.0
public static class XmlHelp
Object    XmlHelp


AddAttribute Adds an XmlAttribute to the parent node.
AddElement Adds an XmlNode to the parent node.
AddEnvironment Adds environment information to an XmlNode.


EnvironmentNodeNameGets the name of the node containing the environment information.
MacAddressAttributeNameGets the name of the attribute containing the MAC address.
MachineAttributeNameGets the name of the attribute containing the machine name.
OSAttributeNameGets the name of the attribute containing the operating system ID.
TimestampAttributeNameGets the name of the attribute containing the time the XmlDocument was created.
UserAttributeNameGets the name of the attribute containing the user name.
VersionAttributeNameGets the name of the attribute containing the machine name.

See Also