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IKeyProvider Interface

Defines the behavior and data of classes that provide encryption keys

Namespace: InnerDrive.Azure
Assembly: InnerDrive.Azure (in InnerDrive.Azure.dll) Version: 5.0.8475.0
public interface IKeyProvider

The IKeyProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyKeyVaultUrl The URL of the Azure Key Vault to use
Public propertyThrowOnFailure If true, exceptions thrown during the normal course of operations will be re-thrown
Public methodCreateKey Creates and stores a new key in Key Vault. The create key operation can be used to create any key type in Azure Key Vault. If the named key already exists, Azure Key Vault creates a new version of the key. This operation requires the keys/create permission.
Public methodDeleteKey Deletes a key from Key Vault.
Public methodGetKey Gets the public part of a stored key
See Also