ICurrencyConversionList Property

Returns a list of the ICurrency implementations for which conversion is supported.


Namespace: InnerDrive.Financial
Assembly: InnerDrive.Financial (in InnerDrive.Financial.dll) Version: 5.2.9017.0
IDictionary<string, decimal> ConversionList { get; }

Return Value

IDictionaryString, Decimal
A list of key-value pairs, where the key contains the fully-qualified class name of the ICurrency implementation supported, and the value contains a Decimal amount equal to the conversion factor.


The conversion factor is the amount you have to multiply the current denomination by to get the target denomination.

For example, assume that £1.00 = US$1.50, and you are getting the ConversionList from the USDollar class. The entry for Sterling would have a key of "GBPound" and a value of 1.5.

See Also