KeyVaultSecretProvider Fields


CacheExpirationSetting The Configuration setting containing the length of time in seconds to hold a secret in the internal cache
DefaultCacheExpirationSeconds The length of time in seconds to hold a secret in the internal cache if CacheExpirationSetting is not set
KeyVaultTenantIdSettingName Gets the name of the Azure Key Vault Tenant ID setting in appSettings.config
KeyVaultUrlSettingName Gets the name of the Azure Key Vault URL setting in appSettings.config
ThrowExceptionsSettingName The name of the appSettings.config setting that, if true, will cause the KeyVaultSecretProvider to throw exceptions instead of failing silently.
TraceKeyVaultSettingName The name of the appSettings.config setting that, if true, will turn on tracing in the DefaultAzureCredentialOptions used to connect to Azure Key Vault.

See Also