InnerDrive.TimeZones Namespace

Contains bases and classes to support time zone services in Inner Drive Technology™ applications using the POSIX/TZDB time zone data sources.


IdtTimeZone Extends the TimeZoneInfo to allow run-time configuration of arbitrary time zones.
LocalTzInfoFileReader Reads tzinfo file data from a local disk file
StreamTzInfoFileReader Reads tzinfo file data from a local disk file
TimeChangeRule Represents a rule that determines when a TimeZoneInfo switches between UTC offsets.
TimeChangeRuleParser Defines the methods and properties of classes that parse textual information about timezone rules.
TimeZoneFactory Creates IdtTimeZone classes as required by the running application.
TimeZoneRuleParser Parses time zone rules from external sources.
TzInfoFileParser Parses a tzinfo time zone file into its constituent TimeZoneRules and TimeChangeRules.
TzInfoTimeChangeRuleParser Parses time zone change rules from the National Institutes of Health time zone files.
TzInfoTimeZoneRuleParser Parses time zone rules from the National Institutes of Health time zone files.
WindowsTimeChangeRuleParser Parses Windows timezone information to determine the rules represented by that information.
WindowsTimeZoneRuleParser Parses Windows timezone information to determine the rules represented by that information.


TimeZoneOffset Encapsulates display information for a time zone at a particular point in time.
TimeZoneRule Defines which TimeChangeRule governs a time zone for a specific period of time.
TzInfoTime Parses the time portion of an tzinfo rule text into a time of day.


ITimeZoneFactory Creates IdtTimeZone classes as required by the running application.
ITzInfoFileReader Defines the behavior of a class that provides raw tzinfo data to a parsing class.


ZoneNotFoundBehavior Enumerates the behavior of the FindAsync(String, ZoneNotFoundBehavior) method.