InnerDrive.Logging Namespace

Provides tools to assist with common logging scenarios


ActionLog Records user actions in a write-once-read-many log
ActionLogEntry Contains the properties and methods for an individual row in a IActionLog component
AuditableFieldAttribute When applied to a property, a component implementing IActionLog can record changes to the object
AzureLogEntry Table entity for the AzureTableTarget class
AzureLogRepository Stores and retrieves log messages in Azure tables
AzureTableTarget Extends TargetWithContext to write to Azure tables using the existing Inner Drive Technology column format
IdtMessage Defines the essential methods and properties of messages.
PostmarkSender Sends IdtMessage items through Postmark
PostmarkTarget Extends TargetWithContext to send formatted mail
SendGridSender Sends messages through the SendGrid service
SendGridTarget Extends TargetWithContext to send formatted mail
WebMessage Publishable message used for Web status information.


MessageDetail Contains a detail within an ToString object.


IActionLog Defines the members and methods of a user-action auditing component
IDetailedMessage Provides the signature for Message classes that can be supplemented by a key-value list of details.
IHasHtmlBody Defines classes that can produce an HTML body
IMailTarget Defines the required properties for mail target classes
IPostmarkSender Defines the behaviors and data of a class that sends messages through Postmark
ISendGridSender Defines the behaviors and data of a class that sends messages through SendGrid


ActionLogResult Enumerates the possible outcomes from an action in a IActionLog component
MessageSeverity Enumerates the levels of severity available for data messages.
WebMessageType Enumerates the types of Web messages that applications can send.